First impression is the last impression!

Studying how people look at a product is important for understanding human interpretation of design products. This research studies the perception of design products by using eye tracking technology and applying established usability research methods. The gaze path analysis shows that people look at the same product differently depending on their motivation. Our initial findings suggest that people have at least three different first impression perception strategies − narrow, holistic and combined strategy. New knowledge of how people perceive products may help designers in presenting their ideas and in completing the designs.

A significant part of the visual information is processed on a preattentional level. The pre-attentively processed features only become apparent to the user if the features do not correspond with the mental model/representation of the features. For example, a shadow of an object is not perceived on a conscious level but it still significantly affects the perception of an object . A consumer may not be able to verbalize why one product is more appealing than another. By means of eye movement research we will be able to acquire more information than is possible with traditional methods alone. Eye tracking technology is being used in an increasing number of applications and research fields . One such field is the study of how people perceive physical objects.

For example, patterns of eye-hand coordination have been measured while manipulating objects like simple blocks. There is a distinct connection between the eye and the hand movements. Motivation drives person’s attention if we consider the movements of the eyes.

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