About Me

No, that’s not me, but I like the picture.

“Esther Williams said, “wisdom is a useless gift unless you share it” and I couldn’t agree more. I would like to share what I have discovered about creating user experiences for some amazing companies, embracing creativity in an unusual way and pursuing a successful career in design.

I am a UX Designer driven by curiosity, compassion and dissatisfaction. I spend most days contemplating the design of a more thoughtful world like my fellow UX designers. Whether it’s solving a complex design problem, or just fixing the coffee machine in the office, I aim for simple, intuitive solutions that will improve the lives around me.

I am happily employed with Cognizant as a User Experience Design Lead and currently working for a client project and living in Charlottesville, Virginia. Originally I am from Calcutta,India and worked as a UI and UX Designer for software companies, product development companies and small and medium sized digital agencies prior to joining in Cognizant in 2011.

I have been working in the digital creative field for almost 15 years now. Like many in early 2000s, started my career as a Visual Designer and with time, worked in the fields of Public Relations, Marketing, Creating Digital Strategy, Graphic Designing, Coding in HTML, Flash XML and Flex before settling for User Experience Design.

Past Experience:

I have worked my way up from a graphic designer at an outdoor advertising agency to leading the UX Team for worldwide organizations. And that gave me a different perspective of life. I worked constantly on the ground to understand business needs, providing solutions instead of designs which I was asked for to retain the value of my work. I like to take risks and made quite a jump (although in creative fields) from advertising agencies to software development to product development to User Experience. And trust me, the experience has always been enriching because the more you work on different aspect of creativity, the more you grow your understanding about what the client wants.

What I am doing now:

I am actively contributing to projects right from the project start-up stage to the production support stage. Beginning with analysis of the requirements I have helped companies organize their information into proper chunks, create information architecture by practicing empathy with their users and make a product that they will love to use.

Where I stand:

I have diverse range of interests & skill sets in the field of creativity including special love for branding & ad campaigns and am equally passionate about creating a useful customer journey, mind mapping and creating innovative web interactions.

Some clients I have worked for:

I have worked on User Experience, UI and Design projects for companies like Snickers (From Nestle), Aetna Health Insurance(For their web portals), Baxter Bioscience(For their customer facing Brochure sites), Merck Pharma, Metlife Insurance(Internal Support App), PHH Mortgage, Freedom Mortgage, Enterprise Rideshare, CitiBank, Toyota Scion, Standards & Poors 500, Morning Star, State Bank of India, Orissa Tourism among others.

List of details of work is available upon request.

Feel free to drop me a line : Mail Me

You can visit my Linkedin Profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/anandarup

Visit my Behance Portfolio: Behance



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